Sunday, April 7, 2013

Yun Nan Flavor Snack

Since my last post on this place, I went back twice...

Cold Sesame Noodles
Cold Sesame Noodles after I mixed it
So on Yelp, everyone was raving about this. I'm not sure what the big deal is. I was really disappointed. Overall, I found it lacking flavor.I didn't even taste that much sesame paste/sauce. It was nothing compared to what I got yesterday. I had gone back to order a #13( Rice Noodle with Crispy Meat Sauce) again but I think she had given me the wrong thing. Whatever she did give me, it was super good. It didn't have any soup so it was more like a cold sesame noodle feel. The noodles with the sauce was really tasty. It even had more of a hint of sesame than the cold sesame noodles I got today. I gotta figure out what it was that she gave me.

Update 04-14-2013:
I found out what this was called..."17 - Noodles with Spicy Meat Sauce"!

Yun Nan Flavor Snack
774 49th St
Brooklyn, NY 11220

(718) 633-3090

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