Sunday, September 23, 2012

Homemade Spicy Cheese Popcorn - Take 2

Ok - Since my last attempt at making cheesy spicy popcorn was a failure, I've been thinking about how I can make it better. I finally decided to do the following..

-Put a good amount of salt (I didn't put any salt the last time)
-Put more butter (because butter is always the solution to everything)
-Use the cheese powder from a mac and cheese box to make my popcorn cheesy.


Looks exactly the same as the first time I made this right? Well, it wasn't!! It was really really ;p

First mistake - I think I put too much salt.
Second mistake - do not put salt and then pour butter on the popcorn. I think this is what made certain pieces salter than the other. The butter didn't allow the popcorn to spread correctly.

The cheese part? Eh - I think mac and cheese powder is definitely better than regular grated parmesan cheese but it still didn't get the cheese consistency I wanted. I want my cheese popcorn to taste like the Wise Hot Cheese popcorn!

Also, for some reason, the popcorn itself just didn't taste all that great. I tasted like stale popcorn. I wonder if that's how it's suppose to taste or if I'm overcooking it.

On a good note, someone did say it tasted better than the first time I made it. I suppose that is a compliment.

I need to go back to the drawing board.


  1. It doesn't look that bad...maybe I'm just hungry.

    No posts for monday?? You've gotten my hopes up for a post a day and now you've just dashed them!

    1. lol - If I got paid to write a post a day, you would never be disappointed! Interested in supporting that idea?

  2. Did you use salted butter? That might be why it was salty? Pooh sent me this link and I saw this, maybe this will help make it cheeseastic!

    1. Interesting..I will definitely check out these links.

      I'm actually not sure it is salted butter. I think it is actually. I'll look out for that the next time.
