Sunday, December 16, 2012

Chick Fil-A Fried Chicken Sandwich Copycat

I saw this recipe online a few months ago and stored it in my recipe folder right away. I love chicken sandwiches and this recipe looked so simple and easy. After being lazy for a few months, I finally decided to cook it today...and here it goes!

First of all, this was indeed very simple to make. The only tool you need is a meat tenderizer. I finally got to use mine for the first time after buying it over two years ago (I bought one after not realizing I needed it to make good chicken parm). The other ingredients are common and the coating was pretty simple to do. I was worried about not being able to get the coating to stick but as you can see from the picture, it stuck pretty well. Frying it was a piece of cake as well.

The sandwich came out pretty good. The chicken was moist (for the most part at least...I overcook some of the pieces) and flavor was good but not great. I think I need leave the chicken in the pickle juice longer next time (I left it for one hour exactly) and make it a bit more spicy.

Overall, I am super excited I made my very own fried chicken sandwich! I can't wait to improve on it and perfect it.

Here is the recipe I used:


  1. Looks good! I didn't know you had to dunk the chicken in pickle juice. That's really new to me.

  2. Yeah, I thought that was a cool trick too.

  3. What do you need a meat tenderizer for...I just wack the chicken with a pan!
