Monday, February 11, 2013

Stir Fry Chicken with Ginger & Stir Fry Chinese Broccoli with Chicken

It's 11:12pm. I should be sleeping or at least in bed. Instead, I am uploading pics and posting on this blog. Shame on me. I'm sure I will regret it tomorrow when I am dozing in my meetings.

Well, I hope you enjoy the pics (maybe not so much since I cooked these).

I honestly don't know how people do it..wake up early, go to work, come home and cook a good meal. When I do that, it's about 9pm after I'm done cooking, cleaning and showering. That's too late for me to start relaxing!

Thinking of ways to cut down my cooking time, I decided to learn how to cook my mom's dishes. The below are dishes that I've eaten so many times at home, I can't even count.

Stir Fry Chicken with Ginger

My first attempt came out pretty good. The chicken could have been more moist but I can't complain too much. I've done worst. I'm always so scared to have under cooked chicken so I tend to overcook it usually. Overcooking chicken leads to dryness right?

Stir Fry Chinese Broccoli with Chicken
 My first attempt was actually good. The chicken again came out a tad dry but I'm sure I will learn how to cook it just right one day.

The best thing about cooking these dishes is that I usually have enough to bring to lunch the next day!

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