Saturday, February 16, 2013

Taste Good Malaysian Cuisine

I think I posted about this place once before...but I will post again because I went back yesterday after several years.

I enjoyed this Malaysian Iced Tea. It's on the sweet side but it was still good.

Roti Canai

The roti is slightly different from your usual is thicker. I enjoyed it. The curry looked oily at first but once you mix it a little, the color becomes your typical yellow.

Beef Rendang
The beef doesn't look good right? The first thing I thought of when I saw this was..."That beef just doesn't look tender.." Well, it turned out to be in the middle. I think I've had better.

Good TasteTofu or Taste Good Tofu
If you like pan fried tofu, this was good. The tofu itself tasted good but he meat on top was eh. Nothing special.

Fragrant Spicy Fish Fillet
The name of the dish was fragrant...I guess I should have taken that as a hint that it was going to be on the sweet side...or should I have?

Well, it was on the sweet side. That's not necessarily bad if you were expected that. For me, I thought that it might be sweet but since it said spicy, I was hoping that it would be on the spicy/salty side. Ah well...overall, it was not a bad dish. I enjoyed the pieces that didn't really have much sauce on it. The ones that did was just too sweet for me.

Overall, I liked this place. Besides the roti and Iced tea, everything else was a new dish for me. I can't wait to go back and try their other dishes.

Taste Good Malaysian Cuisine
8218 45th Ave
Elmhurst, NY 11373

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