Sunday, April 14, 2013

Peruvian Chicken with Roasted Potatoes and Green Sauce

This post is dedicated to a certain someone that has the same initials as me. Sorry you couldn't make it for dinner.

I was browsing some food blog sites and came across the recipe for peruvian chicken and the green sauce. The pictures looked really good so I decided to try out the recipe myself.

Overall, I thought it was pretty good meal. However, I will definitely make some adjustments the next time I cook this. The chicken was moist and packed with flavor. It might have been packed with a little too much flavor, especially since I had the green sauce. I did think that the combination of the chicken and green sauce did conflict with each other. I feel like if you are going to use the green sauce, you should use it with a lightly seasoned chicken. The next time I make the chicken, I will cut back on the salt and see how it goes.

I liked the roasted potatoes as well. It was simple to make and tasted good. Soft on the inside and somewhat crisp on the outside (well, at least the thin slices). The next time I make this, I will make sure that I cut the potato into thinner slices.

The green sauce was really good. I think it is just as good as the one from pio pio. I am super happy I found this recipe. I definitely don't have to go out to pio pio as much anymore.

The salad was a nice complement to the meal. The chicken, potatoes and green sauce was very hearty. The light and crisp greens was a nice way to balance things out.

I can't wait to make this again with my adjustments!

Recipe for Chicken and Green Sauce

Recipe for Roasted Potatoes

For the Roasted Potatoes recipe, I used 5 Yukon Gold Potatoes. I also did not put every ingredient listed on the recipe. I only added the following ingredients: Olive oil, minced garlic, oregano, salt, black pepper and a 1/2 teaspoon of paprika. I baked it for about 45 mins (@425-450F)  and then broiled it for 10 minutes. At the 30 mins mark, I would check on the potatoes to see their progress and adjust the timing according.

For the chicken I had baked 7 chicken thighs. I found that it needed to be in the oven (@ 375 F) for about an hour before the thickest part of the chicken reached about 180-190F.

Since I didn't know how to adjust the temperature and timing to cook both the chicken and potatoes in the oven at the same time, I decided to cook them separate. I cooked the potatoes first (for approx 45 mins) and then cooked the chicken. Once the chicken was done, I took it out to let to rest and then broiled the potatoes for 8-10 mins.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I wish I had been able to come to that!

    The chicken and the green sauce looks especially good :)
