Monday, April 1, 2013

Stir Fry Eggplant with Garlic Sauce/Fish Fragrant Eggplant

So...since I had to already deep fry the chicken for my General Tso Chicken dish, I figure I would make this dish as well! Yes, the recipe called for deep frying the eggplant.

Tip: Invest in a splatter screen. It will save you from those oil popping accidents!

All I can say is that this came out really good. I think it even tastes better than any restaurant that I've been to. The eggplant was flavorful, slightly sweet and perfectly cooked. Well, it might have been cooked a little too long because it was a bit soft but I didn't mind it at all.

For anyone that likes eggplant with garlic sauce (also known as Fish Fragrant Eggplant), definitely get this cookbook and try it.

Cookbook: Every Grain of Rice: Simple Chinese Home Cooking by Fuchsia Dunlop

*The recipe is actually listed here:


  1. Oooo, I should have asked you if I could come over tonight!

  2. You should try out the recipe!
