Friday, August 19, 2011

Malaysia Beef Jerky Inc.

I love Jerky...who doesn't?? (actually, i'm sure a good amount of people don't) The best jerky that I have ever had was in Singapore. It was from a chain. I forgot the name of it but I think they have locations in several Asian countries. Anyways, their spicy pork jerky was awesome! Oh...I miss Singapore...(that really just means that I miss the jerky)

Ever since then, I've been on a search for good jerky...which led me to this place...

 They have a variety of jerky. I got the spicy pork jerky and I think beef jerky.

I haven't been to many fresh jerky places but so far, this one is pretty decent. Their spicy pork jerky has a small kick to it and it's not dry, which I like. Next time, I'm going to try their other meats.

Malaysian Beef Jerky
95 Elizabeth Street
NY, NY 10079
(212) 965-0796


  1. OOO, I bet Jen would love it...but she would probably only likes the old ones at gas stations.

  2. Haha, very funny. I do like the spicy pork jerky ones from here. The beef one - not so much. I haven't tried the others.

  3. I like the spicy pork one too. It's expensive. F took me there a few years ago.
