Thursday, September 1, 2011


Lesson #1: Do not buy soda from a vending machine after it has just been refilled. What do you get if you do? A disgustingly warm soda (as least with my luck as of late).

Lesson #2: When getting soda from a recently filled vending machine, do not seek an adventure and decide to choose a brand new soda that you have not had before. What do you get if you do?  A disgustingly warm AND nasty soda.

Lesson #3: Never complain that you are bored at work (especially on a blog). What do you get if you do? Your ass handed right back to you.

Ever since my complaint on Monday, I've been crazy busy at work. It was as if the CEO heard me and decided to actually make me work for my paycheck. What is up with that? My sole responsibility should always be to LOOK busy, not actually be busy. ::SIGH::

What's the up side to this? Time flew by pretty fast. I guess that turtle got his two legs fixed and hopped on ninja bike.


  1. Can I get 2 "Lesson #3" and a "Lesson #1" raw to go please, Thank You!!!
