Sunday, September 11, 2011

Was trying to be healthy...

Went to to IHOP and while looking at the menu, I narrowed down my choices to two items: The appetizer sampler (fried mozzarella sticks, fried chicken tender and fried onion rings). Notice the common word in all of those items).

Feeling a little healthy, I decided to opt for my second option.

Ok, this isn't the healthiest dish but it's much better than the first. The pic had what looked like roasted potatoes, broccoli, garlic bread and fried shrimp. One fried item out of the whole thing doesn't sound too bad, so I ordered it. I'm a bit proud of myself at this point.

When I placed the order, the waitress asked if I wanted soup or salad...I decided to continue with my healthy choices and chose salad...

Yea, doesn't look good right? Well, it wasn't. I'm not a big fan of iceberg lettuce.

So, here's my main dish...

Can someone please tell me if that looks like what was advertised? First thing that caught my eye was the FRIED potatoes. The shrimp seemed super fried and my garlic bread and sauce was missing (I got it eventually).

Anyway, the only thing that ended up being healthy was the broccoli. I tried to stuff myself with as much as that as possible. I think i ate about 50% of it? Not bad. I can only take so much of plain broccoli.

(Ignore the bacon on my dish. Friend passed that along to me)

So what was the point of this story? Nothing really. Just wanted to point out that I had good intentions but kinda got screwed anyway. This is my venting for the day...

Here are some pics of my friend's stuff in case you guys like looking at ihop's breakfast items.


  1. Your friend doesn't eat bacon at all? Wow!

  2. agreed wow... your dish didn't look like the pictures...i thought the potatoes would have been the same as the ones at Boston Market

  3. Well I can't wait for the one on 3rd ave to open!

  4. You go to IHOP for breakfast! WHo cares about the other stuff, it's frozen then fried!

  5. @jenny - nope, he doesn't eat bacon!
    @artisticpixie - yeah, I was craving the ones from Boston Market
    @S - u think you'll be there for breakfast or dinner?
    @KZ - I had eggs, bacon and bread for breakfast already!
