Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bon Chon

It's 9pm on a Wednesday night and I am craving cheese fries, Korean Chicken wings and Hot Clay Oven. I think I've been eating too little lately as I've been hungry these past two nights around this time (stop the laughter please). I think I will try to eat some fruits between my meals. Let's see how that goes.

Bon Chon! I've been wanting to try this place for quite some time now. I've had the other "famous" Korean Wings places but this has never been a convenient place for me to go to. Well, I finally went one day!

Is that salt on the onion rings? It looks like it right? It isn't. I believe it's parmesan. These were good! The spicy (yellow) mayo sauce that came with it was awesome. I would eat some of that right now...

6 soy sauce chicken tenders. This was my friend's dish. He LOVES it. I personally wouldn't order it. It's too much meat for me. If it came in a smaller size, I would like it.

8 spicy wings! These were not bad. They definitely satisfied the craving. I will not say that it's much better than the other places I've been to. The skin in "Mad for Chicken" is still the best in my opinion.

I still think the "old" kycoChon was the best. I need to go back there and see if they got rid of their big ass wings.

Bon Chon
104 John Street
New York, NY 10038
(646) 682-7747

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