Thursday, June 14, 2012

Salt and Pepper Chili Shrimp & Sliced Beef with Hot Peppers

This was my dinner earlier. The shrimp dish was from the cookbook but beef dish is a family recipe. Well, my brother's recipe. Enjoy!

This came out pretty good actually. When I was cooking it, I was afraid that the shrimp might taste a bit bland due to the basic ingredients. But nope, it was not bland at all! It had the right amount of salt and spice.

I remembered cooking this for the first time years ago. It did not come out good at all. ;P But this time around (my second time cooking it), it was yummy! I think in the past, I always overcook my beef. With the help of my new cookbook, I learned how to cut meat, marinate it and cook it. I really can't believe how it only takes less than 10 mins to cook something like this. (The prep is still taking me awhile but I'm hoping I'll get faster as time goes by).

Overall, it was a yummy dinner. I totally forgot to cook a veggie dish though. Next time! My goal is to always cook a well balanced meal. Meat, veggies and soup.


  1. Looks great, Julie. The prep will get easier as you go. Start getting used to mincing garlic and ginger, you will be doing a lot of that.

    Maybe you can show me how to do the shrimp, I have never worked with them before.


  2. Thanks, Matt. Sure, we can cook together sometime! The hardest part (well, the most annoying part) of the shrimp dish was peeling and deveining it. I bought a shrimp peeler and so far I think it works pretty well.

  3. These look delicious! I've been eating well, but I sure wish I was there to try these babies. Matt is serious about us gals having a rotating cooking party. ;)

  4. WOW~! Looks professional! I've been missing out!!

  5. The beef dish should have been posted first. It looks delicious! Can't say the same for the shrimp dish :P

  6. Where did you get the shrimp peeler? that looks really good! must buy the book!

  7. I got it from Bed bath and beyond. I'll email you a link.
