Thursday, May 2, 2013

In-N-Out Burger

I guess I am still on east coast time because I woke up at 4am PST today. Waiting for someone to wake up, I figure I'll post a few pics of what I've ate so far.

In-N-Out Burger...I had totally forgot about this place! You can guess how happy I was when I saw it from the corner of my eye while heading to my hotel. It was noon and I was hungry so it was like it was meant to be...

I got myself a single patty cheeseburger with chopped chilis, animal style! The other burger was the same thing but it had 2 patties.

(Excuse the pics - took it at the wrong angle)
The burger was good although I remember it being better in SF. It was actually a bit messy. Not sure if they overdid it with the sauce or not. I actually waited for H to finish his burger first so I can eat mine over the tray.

The only thing that stood out was the chopped chilis. It gave the burger that extra kick. Everything else was not memorable.

The fries were decent as well. Nothing special. I think I might have gotten the last batch because it had a lot of little tiny pieces.

Overall, the meal was good but not as good as I remember. I still think 5 Guys is better.

In-N-Out Burger
San Diego, CA


  1. Shake Shack has a similar burger with the chilies. I don't know how it compares to In-and-Out's but it's pretty damn good.

    1. Really?? I didn't know that. I thought shake shack didn't have any toppings.
