Thursday, May 2, 2013

Surati Farsan Mart

Do you know what is great about flying from the east coast to the west and getting there in the early afternoon? You get to eat 4 meals! (Just kidding...or am I?)

So around 6pm-ish, I was already tired and thinking to myself that I'll probably go to bed early and skip dinner. Well, around 730ish, I decided since I was on vacation, I shouldn't waste any opportunities to try out new restaurants! So off I went to pick up some Indian vegetarian food. My friend had recommended this place and it was close to my hotel so I figured, why not.

We decided to get it to go since they were going to close at 830.

Garlic Chili Dosa
This was eh. I didn't like the flavor and found it to be a lit boring. Maybe dosas are just not my thing.

Delhi Chaat
I was kinda disappointed with this. I guess I was expecting something more as this was what my friend recommended. I guess I am also just not a chaat person? I found the sauces odd. Are they suppose to use the typical red and green chutneys? If so, their chutneys were weird. The red wasn't sweet enough and the green was a bit too creamy.

Spicy Vegetable Soup
The dosa came with a spicy vegetable soup. H liked it but I didn't like the consistency. It was too liquidly and I found it lacking substance.

Chole Samosa

This was probably the best thing. H said both the somasa and the chickpeas was great. I thought it was good but not great. I thought the somosa was lacking just a little of flavor and the chole could have had just a little bit more flavor. I think I'm just picky because H really liked it.

Overall, I can see why people would like this place. The food tasted fresh and H enjoyed it.

Surati Farsan Mart
9494 Black Mountain Rd (between Miramar Rd & Activity Rd)
San Diego, CA 92126
(858) 549-7280

1 comment:

  1. There is/was? a dosa stand around NYU. It's ok. I've also had chaat at the desserts place in 74th. It was good- caramel, sour, and right amount of sweetness.
