Friday, September 16, 2011

Cookie Cookie Cookie

Note to self: Find my winter clothes. I think I was the only one today that didn't have a jacket (except for the crazy old man in shorts and a t-shirt)


Someone at work gave me three different kind of cookies today. I usually give my other co-worker a share of my junk but today he rejected it. I did not want to eat ALL three cookies but I did want to try all three though...soooo, I ended up eating half of each! As my friend would say, "Don't judge me!"

Ok, so that was my plan. I'm not sure how I ended up eating the first cookie to completion.


  1. As that person would say also...P-I-G-G-Y.

  2. What flavor was the fully eaten cookie?

  3. It was those cookies with like a dried up raspberry or strawberry on top.
