Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fishy Fishy

(This was written this past Saturday but I did not get a chance to post so here it is now)

Today was a good day. I got up early (8:45ish), had a nice cup of coffee, finally did my laundry and relaxed at home (in a nice and quiet home) till the afternoon. After nibbling on some of my yummy brownies, I decided it was time for my walk before all of my yummies went in my tummy.

Today was the day I was finally going to make it to the pier!! After three weeks of this walking sh!t, I haven't been able to walk all the way to the end of the trail where a nice pier, or at least what looked like a nice pier, was waiting for me. It was either my friends coughing up blood trying to get there ( wink wink ) or just the fact that there isn't enough sunlight in the evenings for me to walk all the way down. By the time I get home from work, shower, eat dinner and get to the trail, the sun is already setting. 

Well, today I had no time constraints!. The plan was to walk till I pleased and then have a light dinner with a friend. So after walking an estimated 2 miles, I get to the pier. I always imagined it to be filled with bikers/runners resting or people just chillin. Well, I did see those things. Do you know what else I saw? A bunch of "Wannabe fishermen"!! I call them wannabe fishermen because they are trying to catch fishes by the freakin belt parkway! Ok, so before you call me some name, let me explain to you my situation. I'm not knocking these people for their hobby. I actually think it's pretty cool since I've been fishing a few times before and liked it. What bothers me is this image that is in my head every time I think about fishing. Have you guys ever seen the hook that is at the end of that pole? It can be BIG. I remember when I was younger, someone told me a story about those hooks. I forgot who it was but that's not important. What is important is this image that he/she has left me with since. She/he told me that his or her brother went fishing once and when he was flicking his rod backwards to get his hook out to sea, he accidentally hooked his face instead!!!!! UGHHH, can you imagine that? I can't imagine what happened to his face afterwards...

Anyway, ever since then I've been somewhat afraid of men and their fishing rods...no pun intended (pervert!) If you think about it, it's kinda easy to either hurt yourself or anyone in your area. What if your string gets stuck??? 

So along the trail, I see about a hand full of fisherman every time I walk. Every time I see one, my eyes open wide immediately. If I see them getting ready to throw their hook into the water, I stay very far away from them. 
So what do you think I was thinking when I saw a whole bunch of them at this pier?? ::Freaking As::: With my eyes very alert, I find myself a nice spot at the very end of the pier. I get there and it was sooo nice. The view was great, the breeze was refreshing and the sun was lovely. I stand there for a good 5 mins enjoying this. I stretch a little (I like to make people think I'm a runner). I take nice deep breaths. It was just nice. But of course, it gets ruined. After those first 5 mins, I all of a sudden hear a "Oh crap, watch out!". I'm thinking who the f said that and why did he say that. Oh, I find out soon enough. Two seconds later, I feel something drip on me. I hear a little "click" and something rubs against me. I finally see it..a freakin hook of a fishing rod. That POS rubbed against me and then hits the railing. As the dude is trying to get it back, I get a closer look at it. Guess what I see? A freaking big ass slice of raw fish on a big ass hook!! YUCK!! Not only did the dude almost rip my skin off but he put a dead fish on my body!

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" "Yea, I'm okay." Of course, in my head, I'm kinda cursing the guy out. I don't even know where this dude came from. No one was near me. Freakin bastard snuck up next to me. I get kinda pissed that he is ruining my spot so even though I know I gotta get outta there soon to save my face, I stay a little longer to see if the bastard catches anything. Dude doesn't so I finally bounce. 

A minute after I started walking, I start feeling a bit itchy. I start to feel a bit sticky and I swear my lips start tasting a bit salty. The image of that raw fish suddenly reappeared in my head. Damn that guy for making me hallucinate! As you can imagine, I walked my ass home and took a shower right away. 

Ok, now that you have read through all that crap, here are some food pics to reward you ;)
Actually, I'll just post that separately.

Oh, and I heard this song on the radio on my way back. It put me in a "blast my music in the car mood and start dancing mood" (yes, i actually danced in the car). This song made me so nostalgic!


  1. I was hoping to see some beautiful nature pics not some freaky story that's going to give me a nightmares! ;)

  2. I'm too lazy to carry around my camera during my walks.
