Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Le Parisien

Hey Stranger...

Here are some pics.

Decent bread. I have a love/hate relationship with bread. I love it because sometimes it can just taste so damn good. I can't help but to eat it because it just stares at me while I patiently wait for my appetizer/entree. The problem is that I tend to eat a little too much of it which causes me to be slightly full. Slightly full = big problem when my entree comes out. You all can guess what this big problem is. No need for me to elaborate.


Snails...I have yet to acquire this taste.

The green stuff went well with my bread though!

This was some kind of vegetable. Can't remember what it was...but I do remember not liking it!

This is what I came to this restaurant for..their chicken. Best part of it? The skin!! The chicken itself was okay. I didn't think it had that much taste to it. I also wish they gave me more mash potatoes.

Some kind of fish. I believe my friend liked it.

Apple tart? The ice cream went well with the apple tart.

So overall, it was a nice cozy little restaurant. I enjoyed the wine and the company ;)

Le Parisien
163 E 33rd St (between Lexington Ave & 3rd Ave)
New York, NY 10016

(212) 889-5489

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