Saturday, August 11, 2012

Bakhtar Afghan Halal Kababs

Let me begin by thanking my friend for taking me to this place. Thank you...punk!! I now have a great place to go for afghan food.

I forgot to take a picture of the outside so I'm going to go straight to the food.

I got a #6 - "One Chicken Tika and one Chicken Kufta". Actually, both my friends and I got this.

Salad that they give you before  your main dish. You can put their white and green (spicy) sauce on it as dressing.

This stuff was good. The chicken was tender and juicy. The rice was flavorful and fresh. The bread was nice and warm.

I totally forgot to take a picture of the two bottles of sauce that they put on the table. Both are awesome. Putting it on the chicken makes it even much better.

The portions are pretty big imo. I ate this for lunch and it's about 7pm now and I'm still full.

Oh and on a side note, don't expect too much the inside of the restaurant.

Bakhtar Afghan Hal Kababs
68-16 Fresh Meadow Ln
Fresh Meadows, NY 11365

(718) 762-5572


  1. This looks better than the ones we had at the Afghan place around here. Wait, was it Afghan...?

  2. Yeah, I think it was and yes, this place is much better than what we had at your place.

  3. I think it's cheaper too. This dish was about $7.
