Sunday, September 16, 2012

Homemade Spicy Cheese Popcorn - Take 1

First attempt at making homemade popcorn. I mixed together some dry ingredients and popped the popcorn using a wok and a wok cover. It was pretty simple.

It came out alright. I really wanted it to come out tasting like those Wise Hot Cheese Popcorn I love but I think that might have been wishful thinking. I'm going to do some more research and attempt to make this again the next time I rent a movie.

...and I kinda made a backup bowl in case I didn't like my popcorn ..... ;)


  1. hmm did you put the seasoning before or after? i noticed when i tried putting some salt and pepper before i popped it, nothing sticked. i had to drizzle some olive oil and then simple some seasoning for it to stick. even with cheese.

  2. I popped the kernels and then put the seasoning on. It still didn't taste right so I melted butter and swirled it around the bowl. It still wasn't perfect though.

    I have a couple of ideas for the next time I make this. I might try it this weekend.

  3. Popcorn seems to fall in the category of harder than it looks.
